Our Palio di Siena: four days, 96 hours and a sense of belonging that lasts for a lifetime
The Palio di Siena, four days, 96 hours and a sense of belonging that lasts for a lifetime. For most of those who come to Siena during these four days, everything seems crazy, out of reality. And it’s a little bit true! It is as if the city went back in time, as if the ordinary flow of events followed its own rhythm.
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Road trip: what you can find in our van
In my opinion, a road trip is the best trip of ever! It’s amazing traveling with our van (equipped with folding bed, storage compartments, but without bathroom and kitchen!) that became our home for short periods!
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Paris like a local: a special tour!
Our alternative journey to discover Paris with Elisa continues. You’ll read about a special tour, off the beaten tourist track and in the heart of the city.
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Paris like a local with Elisa!
This month the articles on our blog will be entirely dedicated to live Paris “like a local”! We asked Elisa to tell us in detail the behind the scenes of this wonderful city that she loves, seen through her eyes.
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Travel Diaries India Edition: the World Through the Travelers’ eyes!
With Travel Diaries we have decided to tell you about a country through the sensations and emotions of those who have visited and chosen it as a “soul’s journey”.
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