Transylvania: one of the best Halloween’s trip!

Transylvania has always been linked to Count Dracula and his castle, playing the role of a dark and terrifying region in the common imagination! In reality, it’s a small jewel made up of medieval villages surrounded by woods, forests and castles, scenic roads and mountains.

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Travelling with Paulo Coelho’s Alchemist

In addition to being one of my favorite books, “The Alchemist” is the emblem of THE journey: a journey understood in a physical sense, which lasts for two years through three main stages and an even a deeper journey, understood as the revolution that happens inside ourselves.

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diya decoration

Leaving in Autumn: 5 destinations in Asia

Autumn is the perfect season for discovering Asia! Here’s 5 destinations to add in your bucket list if you love rituals linked to nature and popular traditions.

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Travel with your dogs

Handbook for a summer car trip in Europe with your dogs!

Taking your dog with you on holiday is certainly a priority, but we must pay attention to his needs in order to guarantee him a pleasant and safe journey. First advice: if you are a serial traveller, it is very important to start getting your puppy used to long journeys right away!

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Boa Vista, Cape Verde: the Africa you didn’t expect

We are in Africa, but not that of Safaris, infinite deserts, tribes. A different Africa, the one that is part of the so-called “Macaronesia”. A magical place infact, in ancient times, Cape Verde islands were considered the remains of Atlantis.

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