Voodoo: journey to the edges of the soul from Benin to New Orleans

The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about Voodoo, are the famous “Voodoo dolls”. Nothing could be more wrong!

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Green Planner: 10 sustainable destinations to “save” the planet by traveling in 2024!

In a world where resources are limited and the environment is under constant threat, how and where we choose to travel can make a difference, including through a new form of tourism called “regenerative tourism”.

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#LIFEINTRAVEL: 7 trends and inspirations for traveling in 2024!

2024 is coming and we want to be ready concerning new trends and coolest ways of travel! Are you ready to leave for a “journey in a journey”, to an innovative and out of the ordinary experience?! Let’s go!

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Travel “Babber”, part 2: everything you don’t know about Santa’s secret stops!

In the last post we left Santa Claus at his destination while, upon arriving in Italy, he was delivering the gifts to the children! Are you curious to know what he did last time during his trip?!

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Transylvania: one of the best Halloween’s trip!

Transylvania has always been linked to Count Dracula and his castle, playing the role of a dark and terrifying region in the common imagination! In reality, it’s a small jewel made up of medieval villages surrounded by woods, forests and castles, scenic roads and mountains.

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