Traveling is something totally subjective! Starting from the choice of the destination, to the way of travel.
The travel has a deep, almost spiritual value, it is a connection between the earth and our soul. Even destinations are not the same for everyone: each one has its own peculiarities and characteristics that are perfect for some, but not for others, we could say that each place resembles those who are attracted to it. In our article we tried to identify 6 couples of travellers, their characteristics and the best destination for them!

The “Tibetans”
For these couples, travel is the one with a capital letter, an experience that has a deep impact, capable of taking root in the soul and from which a lesson can be drawn. Social life, crowds and noise are banished and comforts are a non-essential surplus. “Tibetans” searching for silence to start a connection with their surroundings and with themselves, they interpret the journey as a means to undertake a personal transformation. The perfect destination: Tibet, staying in a monastery and getting closer to the monks practices.

The “metropolitans”
Diametrically opposed to the “Tibetans”, they are fascinated by the movement of big cities, the crowds, the social integration and the avant-garde. They love spending time in the coolest clubs in the city, listening to music, dancing or interacting with other people, moving around with the most innovative and fastest means of transport, having experiences out of the ordinary! The perfect destination: Tokyo, a metropolis that never sleeps, among Michelin-starred restaurants, modern skyscrapers and small temples.

Couples of “luxurious”
They are attracted more by the location than by the destination. For them there is nothing below 5 stars, starting to the flight, strictly in business class! As you can imagine, they are looking for impeccable service, maximum comfort and the wow effect. Moreover, they love to post every moment of their experience on social media. The watchword is “exclusivity” and niche destinations.
The perfect destination: the Arab Emirates, where culture, elegance and luxury create a perfect mix for the most demanding travellers!

The “locals”
They are “chameleonic” travellers, they choose a destination based on the possibility of establishing deep contact with the local population. Moreover, they are curious and empathetic travelers and the aim of their adventure is to learn as much as possible about habits and customs, mix with the locals, go to the same bars, restaurants, try the same food, have the same life experiences. They could spend hours talking to a local in a market or watching a craftsman at his work!
The perfect destination: there is not just one destination, what changes is the approach. The “locals” go down to the soul of a place! Whether it is the Mongolian steppes, the areas of Finland where to meet the Sami or Thailand with its giraffe women, what matters is capturing their essence.

Couples of “archaeologists”
Fans of Alberto Angela, serial devourers of historical volumes, for them the journey is full of culture and discovery. Relaxing on the beach is a waste of time when there is the world waiting for them out there! Tireless and eager for knowledge, they are fascinated by the past, ancient populations, unsolved mysteries and legends. The perfect destination: Egypt, with its ancient population so advanced that some defined it as alien.

The “adrenaline junkies”
No relaxation and no luxury, what matters is the best spot to practice your favorite sport! Be it surfing, golf, diving, paragliding, climbing and so on! Comfort is not in first place, “adrenaline addicts” adapt, they often make friends with other sports addicted they meet locally and at the end of the holiday they are more tired than when they left!
The perfect destination: it depends on the sport practiced! From Hawaii for surfing to New Jersey for golf with its Pine Valley golf field considered the best in the world, passing through the Maldives for spectacular diving!
And which team are you part of?!